2022.09.26, Zhixun “Jason” He

  1. Training (Numpy): https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1NHDXuXeoTwzpLVcS5c28Ere65humpaHT?usp=sharing
  2. Training (Tensorflow): https://colab.research.google.com/drive/13zv5BQmCbDqyD3BZlWAHCVouCR1YLu5V?usp=sharing
  3. Real Tensorflow Example: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1WXxdPbBZtAVqNfp0VVFuoDtGoCvRxzTF?usp=sharing
  4. Useful resources:
    1. Online class:
      1. Andrew Ng: Deep Learning https://www.coursera.org/specializations/deep-learning, or youtube.com (all videos of the same course available on Youtube)
    2. Blog with implementation codes:
      1. One of the best blogs explaining machine learning topics with codes, super beginner friendly: https://machinelearningmastery.com/blog/
    3. Search:
      1. google.com
      2. stackoverflow.com
    4. Be patient:
      1. Debug one small issue at a time
      2. Write your question with patience and describe it nicely such that other people can help better
  5. Boos-trapping the classifier, try to make the accuracy for validation data to reach 90+% accuracy
    1. Google
    2. some github resources: https://github.com/BIGBALLON/cifar-10-cnn

TSG Session 3

2022.11.5 Zhixun “Jason” He



